Recommended Products
To turn back the clock, Order Somalife GHp amino acids. This life-giving chain of aminos gives a message to
the brain that allows the body to produce the amount of human growth hormone that the body needs. It is a patented
developed by doctors/authors from the Somalife Longevity and Research Center located in Canada.
The body needs antioxidants and vitamin support as it rebuilds and restores. Order the Ghp amino acids alone if
you have a good antioxidant and multivitamin support at home. If you can or as soon as you are able order the
Soma pack, which will include Soma Vitamins and Soma Antioxidants and the Ghp; all three products work synergistically
together. Take omega oils and calcium, get rest and exercise. Have fun and you are well on your way to truly turning
back the clock.
I have experienced great changes with this product-- better muscle tone, age spots disappearing, elevated moods
Order as a "smart shopper" to receive the best price or sign up as a distributor if you wish to share
this with others. Please visit http://asomaworld.net/mburack
And last but not least cloth from Japan, that is infused with negative ions. Whether it be clothing or blankets
and sheets or wrist or knee bands, the different kinds of fabric feel like warm healing hands. In the catalogue
there are documented studies showing the health benefits. For acatalogue: Call Nefful U.S. A. Inc., at 626 839-6657.
For $30 become a distributor and receive samples of the blanket and sheets and experience this radiant healing
energy directly and see if it suits you.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or later on testimonials.
These are all products I use and endorse.
All Pictures and Artwork are Copyrighted 1995 by Marsha
and may not be used without her permission.