Reiki Classes With
Marsha Burack

I have been reiki healing teaching classes for twelve years after being a hands-on healer for sixteen years. A very structured, yet creative and individualized approach has evolved. I enjoy teaching a wide-variety of different kinds of people, and my strong suit is helping people develop their personal style and unique healing ability.

I teach Reiki and Seichim classes by request, all of which are located in Southern California. Join me for a
Reiki Healing Retreat.

Reiki Classes – All levels
First Degree Reiki

The structure of the class covers the history, initiation and integration, treating yourself, and treating others. The class lasts for one day or two mornings/afternoons/evenings with a follow-up 21 days later. The fee is $185.
The Reiki Healing Yourself book and tape are required reading and listening prior to the start of the class.

Before the class starts, you do your reading so that class time is spent in discussion of history and healing. The initiations are private, and my experience of hands-on-healings helps me naturally understand and tailor the energy for each person.

When we work with Integration, we utilize writing and drawing to bring the experience to earth. We discuss the reading material, and discuss treating yourself and others. The whole experience is to help you know that "you can do this." Everyone is doing Reiki, but God never made a snowflake the same, and all of us have a unique energy within the Reiki band.

Second Degree Reiki

The structure of the class includes exploring the sounds and symbols, which you receive before the class, initiations, meditation on sounds and symbols, and treating yourself with the sounds and symbols. We'll also explore ways to use sounds and symbols while treating people long distance, which is a wonderful lesson in the potency of our thoughts. In addition, you'll learn how to treat one's own past, present and future, which will introduce you to exploring emotional blocks.

The time for this class can be structured to meet everyone's needs, equaling two days or until all categories are fully covered. The cost of this class is $250, and the materials needed for the class are your hands and a willingness to explore and learn.

There is a lot of room for personal exploration and change while learning many tools for helping others. You truly move into your healing power during this class.

Third Degree Reiki

Prior to the start of the class, you will receive the Third Degree symbol. When the class begins, you will receive your initiation, we will do integration work, meditation on the symbol, learn how to use the symbol in self-treatment and with others, how to perform self-initiations, dance of the initiation, and how to perform initiations with others. We will also discuss how to teach a small class, and you will receive supervision for the first year. In addition, we'll discuss the business aspects of Reiki such as seals, certificates, advertising, etc.

The class lasts for three to five days and the cost is $1,500. All you need for the class is a deep desire and the intention. During the class, you will be encouraged to become your own soul inspired teacher. What could be more creative?

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact me at

Seichim Master Class

This class is special, because it carries the power of two major Seichim traditions. Marsha Burack will teach Phoenix Summerfield's system in the morning. It is an elegant, Reiki-like system of initiations, sounds and symbols, self-initiations, full body treatments, absentee treatments and psychotherapeutic technique also using sounds and symbols. The Initiation and sound and symbols are different than Reiki but applications are the same.

The afternoon will be taught by Shashala, which will cover Patrick Zeigler's system. You will learn explore the three symbols Patrick works with through art, go through a visualization attunement, toning and movement work, tactile synthesis, emotional-release work, which may culminate in a full body initiation, how to perform attunements, absentee work, and full-body treatment methods.

You will finish the class feeling prepared to teach both methods.

We are very pleased to offer it to you in this way. Alternating between these two different systems; one like the moon, which is quiet, contemplative, reflective, yin, and the other is like the sun, which is active, intuitive, empowering and yang; is refreshing. By alternating between these two methods, you are given space and time for your psyche to balance and develop a deeper integration of both methods.

In other words, it's a lot of information and activity. We will also cover the business aspects of seals, certificates, advertising, holding classes, etc.

To prepare early, you can take a preparatory weekend for either system with Marsha at $450 or Shashala. Please contact Shashala for pricing at . 50% of the weekend class will be applied to the Master Class.

The cost for the five day Master course in Santa Fe or San Diego, covering both methods, is $1,500. Please contact us by phone or e-mail with any questions. You can contact Marsha at
Phone Conference Class through the Internet With Marsha Burack
The Materials that you will receive for this class are as follows:

Reiki, Healing Yourself & Others
A Photo-Instructional Art Book
Reiki Healing Yourself Audio Tape $12.95
Reiki Art Stamp Set $28.95
Reiki Instructional Video
by Barbara Van Diest
Retail Value $91.00

The first week the class will meet for an hour and a half. The class will consist of introductions, individual goals, discussion on Reiki and on the Reiki materials.

During the second meeting, I will meet with everyone privately, and at that time you will receive your initiation. We will discuss any questions you might have from the material or on Reiki itself. We can either meet by telephone or on the internet.

The third meeting will be a group get together. We will discuss, self-treatments and treating others and go over any questions you might have.

The cost of the class is $185.00, which includes the materials worth $91.00, four and a half hours for group work, and one half hour for private work.

During the four weeks, I will be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions. If you don't need a timely reply, I will respond to them during the class for the benefit of everyone. If you need a timely reply, I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions by e-mail.

There will be classes for Second Degree Reiki on the internet as well. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me at

All Pictures and Artwork are Copyrighted
1995 by Marsha Burack
and may not be used without her permission.